130r1 CLI GUI - strategies not loading at start & previous ones getting deleted on exit

Two bugs for gui from cli

1) when gui starts form cli, it does not load the results strategy files from the builder/tester folders.
2) when gui is exited from top right menu, the strategy files from the folders are getting deleted.

Fixing 1) may fix 2) also, not sure.

There are many other ways using builder generated strategies, but these are simple steps. once fixed please test other ways too

1.Start CLI GUI
2. In the Rester, load a strategy
3. Exit GUI
4. The strategy file got saved into "Retester\databanks\Results" - which is good.
5. Start CLI GUI
6. Go to Retester, no strategies in it [<- bug]
7. The folder "Retester\databanks\Results" still contains the strategy - phew
8. Exit GUI from the menu
9. The folder "Retester\databanks\Results" is now empty and lost the strategy <- bug

The same happens from other places like Builder. This is a very serious bug as strategies are getting deleted.

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  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




19.11.2020 13:53
Voted for this task.


19.11.2020 23:04

Status changed from New to Fixed

Thanks for reporting the bug! Fixed

Votes: +2

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