About WF or WFM Days IS

In the setting, for example, OOS days is set to 10, but in the place where the walk forward date is displayed, it is 11. If OOS days is 20, then 21 will be displayed. Do you know if this is a bug or is there any other purpose? Please see the attached picture.
WF .jpg
(110.93 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




18.12.2020 07:00

Task created



06.02.2021 15:16
Rozmyslal som nad tym a je to skor hack ako fix. Asi by bolo lepsie nastavit dateFrom na 00:00 a vyhodit ten check na 1ms. Nenasiel som ale kde sa generuju date from/to periody.

Nechame to takto alebo mi k tomu prosim Maros napis/ alebo to uprav ak to je malickost.

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