Stable version

Good day. I want to ask if it is not possible to make one version e.g. 131.yyy where will everything available be completed and 100% functional? New versions with new built-in functions, modules and new product versions such as Ultimate, Gold, Platinum ..., new operating systems, support for new business platforms and all new technical and marketing ideas to be incorporated into new versions, but to make one version for which the customer can rely 100%. If an error is found in that version, fix it and issue This way, customers will also have time to catch bugs and test all functionalities. If there are still a lot of changes, there is no time to verify the strategy and it will take a long time to change your projects (sometimes completely rebuild). Let such a stable version be released (and maintained - repaired) for example once a year. well thank you


Dobrý deň. Chcem sa spýtať či nie je možné urobiť jednu verziu napr. 131.yyy kde bude všetko čo je dostupné dotiahnuté do konca a 100% funkčné?  Nové verzie s novými zapracovanými funkciami,  modulmi a nové verzie produktu typu Ultimate, Gold, Platinum..., nové operačné systémy, podpora nových obchodných platforiem a všetky nové technické a marketingové nápady zapracovať do nových verzii, no dorobiť jednu verziu na ktorú sa zákazník môže na 100% spoľahnúť.  Ak sa nájde chyba v tej verzii, opraviť ju a vydať Tak budú mať aj zákazníci čas vychytať chyby a otestovať všetky funkcionality. Ak je stále veľa zmien, nie je čas na overenie stratégii a dosť času zaberie pozmeniť svoje projekty (niekedy aj komplet nanovo prestavať). Nech takáto stabilná verzia je vydaná (a udržiavaná  - opravovaná) napríklad raz za rok.   Ďakujem

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




27.12.2020 17:51

Task created



27.12.2020 22:44
Voted for this task.


27.12.2020 22:57
I totally agree. 

Current bugs that don't allow decent backtesting and systems workflow in v130 are:

Algowizard within SQ:

1) Doesn't save backtest data so can't be imported to Quant Analyzer

2) Message that it is taking longer than normal to backtest drives me nuts, if you dont click "ok" in time, it greys out the screen and you need to restart SQ! Totally remove this message from all versions, it adds no value and is a pain in the ass!

3) Shows Sunday trades in backtests even when I have set Trade Day is Not Sunday

Algowizard Online:

1) Save to cloud now never works. It always says you need backtest data and it never ever saves it when you have run backtests. In the previous version it worked maybe 30-40% of the time, now 0%! Needs to work 100% of the time.

2) Save file never saves the data either, the combined impact of all the not saving data issues is that it isn't possible to use Quant Analyzer at all as there is no data available through any pathway.

The system is great, but needs to be stable, that should be priority #1. Bells and whistles without stability isn't useful.

Votes: +1

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