Consistently 10% faster build-times in builder VS workflow build task with exact same settings.

tried 3x on each and getting 10% faster build-times in builder VS workflow build task with exact same settings. This doesn't seem right. Checking at the 3 minute mark.

You can also see with this config the fitness works fine in builder but build task in a workflow same settings the fitness is all wrong.

Build strategies.cfx
(31.96 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




11.01.2021 07:26

Task created


Mark Fric

01.02.2021 14:31

Status changed from New to Refused

I'm almost 100% sure you are not correct. Genetic evolution performance is very much dependent on the random initial population, so try it with random generation, or fixed initial population.

But the same code is used in Builder and Build task in custom project, there is no reason for it to be slower.

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