Ability to enable/disable Actions on AlgoWizard

I presently have long strings of actions I'm building and I'd like to test sometimes with and without various actions. It is cumbersome, as I have to do something like deleting the action and reproducing it later when I'm ready to have it back. Would be better if we could just temporarily disable Actions.
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




15.01.2021 21:16

Task created


Mark Fric

16.01.2021 19:52

Status changed from New to Refused

sorry, but we'll not do this, it adds another complexity to the UI.


21.01.2021 00:33
Also, when I start doing serious nesting like you can see in this example, it really slows down the load of the strategy in the AlgoWizard - to the point to where I have to respond to the "Restart / Wait / Close" dialogue. It would be great if the AlgoWizard could efficiently load strategies where there is multi-level nesting in the variable assignments, etc.

Votes: 0

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