genetic builder b130 - Automatic filters appear to not work for island #1as an init pop filter

Turning on a couple of autofilters in the ranking tab: no trades and too few trades, (when there are no init pop filters in the gen tab selected) slows down the speed at which all islands fill up except island #1. This tells me two things, first thing auto-filters are applied as init pop filters for most islands. Second thing island #1 is not effected by auto-filters.  Island #1 pool can be viewed and I can confirm my second point.

I'm not talking about strats per hour here I'm talking about looking at how full each island is after x minutes. Try it with too-few/no-trade autofilters on/off. off= all islands fill quickly and evenly. on= islands fill up more unevenly and slower except island #1 which always fills first. Incidentally, with those auto-filters turned on the strats per hour actually goes way up even though the islands are filling slower. I think this phenomena occurs only if init pop filters is empty in the genetic build tab.

I'll attach my build in case you need help reproducing.

I have an additional question, does the autofilters also apply to following generations or just init pop?

(35.25 KiB)
  • Votes +4
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority High




21.02.2021 21:49

Task created



21.02.2021 21:51

Description changed:

Turning on a couple of autofilters in the ranking tab: no trades and too few trades, (when there are no init pop filters in the gen tab selected) slows down the speed at which all islands fill up except island #1. This tells me two things, first thing auto-filters are applied as init pop filters for most islands. Second thing island #1 is not effected by auto-filters.  Island #1 pool can be viewed and I can confirm my second point.

I'm not talking about strats per hour here I'm talking about looking at how full each island is after x minutes. Try it with too-few/no-trade autofilters on/off. off= all islands fill quickly and evenly. on= islands fill up more unevenly and slower except island #1 which always fills first. Incidentally, with those auto-filters turned on the strats per hour actually goes way up even though the islands are filling slower. I think this phenomena occurs only if init pop filters is empty in the genetic build tab.

I'll attach my build in case you need help reproducing.

I have an additional question, does the autofilters also apply to following generations or just init pop?


clonex / Ivan Hudec

21.02.2021 22:10
Voted for this task.


21.02.2021 23:12
Voted for this task.


21.02.2021 23:40
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23.02.2021 09:41
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

26.02.2021 14:20

Priority changed from Normal to High


Mark Fric

01.03.2021 11:51

Status changed from New to Fixed

you are right, it was ignored for the first island. I turned it on.

As for your quesiton - yes, automatic filters apply also to future generations.



01.03.2021 20:52

Votes: +4

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