b131dev2 - save after stop

why the saving procedure is always made after we click the stop in this build?

its slowing down my process if the strats are saved everytime i hit the stop button - isnt syncing enough for protection as it was made in older builds?

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




24.02.2021 13:59

Task created


Mark Fric

25.02.2021 15:18

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

it was user request, syncing would not save the strategies if SQ crashes for shorter running tasks.

Now it automatically saves the databank after the end of task if sync is on.

Perhaps we should make this configurable, but you are the only one who complains about this so far.



25.02.2021 16:05
question is how many users are trying those dev versions and really know about every change

yes, configurable setting will solve this


Tomas Brynda

26.02.2021 11:39

Status changed from In progress to Fixed

Made it configurable through Global settings / Databanks menu

Votes: 0

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