AlgoWizard - Rules with several blocks that scroll off the screen/page do not refresh properly when deleting blocks

In AlgoWizard, when editing long rules with action blocks that scroll off the screen/page, deleting a block in the middle fails to refresh the screen properly, giving the appearance that the deletion did not take place, when in fact it did. This issue gets compounded if you attempt to delete the block again, as you now have deleted two blocks without any visual confirmation on the screen.

This is also an issue when re-ordering blocks within a rule if that would cause the screen contents to scroll. A work-around for this is to move the block only short distances at a time, carefully avoiding large moves that would require a scrolling of the blocks off screen.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




26.02.2021 06:47

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