AlgoWizard - Launching a second instance causes splash screen to be display and not go away

In AlgoWizard, if you accidentally re-launch AlgoWizard when another instance is already running, the slash screen stays displayed over the desktop wallpaper and does not go away.
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




26.02.2021 07:33

Task created



20.05.2021 06:17

Attachment Second Launch of AlgoWizard with one already running.png added

Second Launch of AlgoWizard with one already running.png
(598.44 KiB)
Yes, starting a second instance of AlgoWizardSQ.exe (from a shortcut) while the first instance is running causes the splash screen to be display and not go away, even after closing the first instance. The only way to remove it is to reboot or end-task (it shows up as a background task in Task Manager).

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