How to Calculate
FX/Metals: pip value* x swap rate in points (converted to account currency). Pip value is calculated in the back ("terms" or "counter") currency. Pip value refers to the second last digit quoted.
Example: 0.24 lots AUDUSD (pip value = USD$2.40). Swap rate: 8.34. Calculation: USD$2.40 (pip value) X 0.834 (swap rate) = USD$2.00 (rounded from USD$2.0016)
CFD: lot size x swap rate (charged in underlying product currency)
Example: NAS100, long swap = -0.89 Calculation: 1 lot X 0.89 = USD89 cents
Crypto: lots x contract Size x end of day price x swap long or short % / 100 / 360
Example: BTCUSD, end of day price USD10,000. Swap = -30.98 Calculation: 0.5 lots x 1 x 10,000 USD x -30.98 / 100 / 360 = -4.30 USD
Note RE Crypto: 360 is not a typographical error (i.e. that it should say 365) for total days per year, it is the standard. Crypto is divided by 100 to achieve a decimal.
*Calculating Pip value
Pip value calculation (priced in the terms/back currency) = contract size X position size X price change (FX: 0.00010).
To find Contract Size (MT4): right click any product in Market Watch, then select Specification. See "Contract Size."
All FX: 100,000 (units per lot) X position size X pips (0.00010)
All Equity index: 1 (contract per lot) X position size X price change
Energy/Oils: 1000 (contracts per lot) X position size X price change
XAUUSD: 100 (ounces per lot) X position size X price change, etc.
Pip calculator via website: