Filter condition add "Filters Result"

Dear SQ team
We know the filter result is create by all ranking filters, but if we saw the filters result in WFM.
It will be the "WFM Result" passed or failed.
There is a reason I want to add this option "Filters Result" into the ranking filter.

If I want to keep all strategies after WFM in databank(whatever  passed and failed).

Then I want to use the Filtering task in project to move/copy strategies only with passed, to next task.

I want to keep failed strategies in old databank for review by myself.

According to my process, I only can do it by manual not auto with the project task.
If anything I wrong or It has another way to do this automatic well, please tell me.
Thank you.

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




13.03.2021 09:40

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15.06.2023 07:45
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