Functions and Custom Fuctions in ALgo-wizard

The Functions TAB is quite handy.

Ideally, increasing the amount of functions will increase the power of SQX , ie .. if more functions will be available such as Moving Average or Exponential Mov, Average, a filter that calculates the Moving average of the AccountEquity, could be use to determine if that strategy should continue to perform or STOP.. 

Another example is the calculation of Moving averages for other timeframe data that should be used to filter  performance, : ie: if the strategy is been built in H1 , then a H4 on closing data could be added . At the present time one can filter with the DailyClose , WeeklyClose and MonthlyClose.

In summary by adding a simple moving average function to FUNCIONS will allow to calculate the MOV average on almost any variable, increasing the filter functionality immensely!

  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




23.03.2021 03:05

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clonex / Ivan Hudec

23.03.2021 09:39

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(169.62 KiB)
Ideally, increasing the amount of functions will increase the power of SQX , ie .. if more functions will be available such as Moving Average or Exponential Mov, Average, a filter that calculates the Moving average of the AccountEquity, could be use to determine if that strategy should continue to perform or STOP.


I will add these functions and others related to equity surfing, trading in April. 

Another example is the calculation of Moving averages for other timeframe data that should be used to filter  performance, : ie: if the strategy is been built in H1 , then a H4 on closing data could be added . At the present time one can filter with the DailyClose , WeeklyClose and MonthlyClose.

In Custom blocks, you can create multi-timeframe blocks now. Check pls attachment

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