131 - Redundant blocks during build process

For some reason, the resulting offspring are carrying redundant traits from their parents 
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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




16.04.2021 21:22

Task created



16.04.2021 21:26

Attachment Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 32359 PM.png added

Attachment fx_long.cfx added

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20.04.2021 06:03
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

12.05.2021 10:39

Status changed from New to Refused

ok, but this is not really a bug. 

there is no rule preventing usage of the same block in the conditions. 

You are right that the Hammer(6) conditions are redundant, but they don't cause problems nor slowdown, adding filtering for this could be tricky if there is another than simple AND/OR hierarchy in conditions, I don't see reason to do it.



16.05.2021 11:51
Well the problem for me isn't necessarily that this happens during the build process. Its the fact that SQX is not supposed to accept similar strategies and these redundant blocks are counted as a separate strategy altogether. So the result is a databank filling up with a bunch of strategies with redundant conditions. My suggestion is for it to be fixed at the filtering stage not the build stage. If it can't be fixed at the filtering level, I understand. Its just annoying.

Fastest way to reproduce this is by building strategies with an initial population of an effective strategy.

Votes: +1

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