Retester alone vs. it's in Custom peojects

Using a retester alone sometimes produces different results than using a retester in a custom process.

It's hard  to describe this bug, because it doesn't always happen either. 

In custom projects, I finds that Retest phases always fails to pass, so much so that it deletes all the strategies, and since my strategies are generated by template, I can  estimate that it is unlikely that they all fail. So I copy the strategies from the custom project into a separate Retester, using the same Retester settings config as it is in the custom project, Some strategies  do pass the test.

Very strange. 

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




03.06.2021 15:41

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Mark Fric

09.06.2021 12:46

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

if you use any optimization crosschecks it is possible that they fail in one try, and pass in another.

this could happen if you have a smaller number of max optimization steps. I think this is the only possible case, I cannot find out what is wrong unless you attach some strategy that failed in cstom project (turn off deleting of the failed) and passed in normal retest.


Mark Fric

11.06.2021 08:44

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

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