Deselect Strategies on Mass

Hi There,

When dealing with 1000's of strategies and running them through robustness testing whilst eyeballing, a fantastic feature is whereby you can select multiple strategies at once via holding shift, then, selecting the last strategy checkbox to select the range. 

However, this request is to have the same functionality available, but reverse. Whereby you can "unselect" bulk strategies on mass. 

MultiStrat Selection.png
(26.64 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




19.08.2021 12:25

Task created



20.08.2021 06:49
the first check box in row0 first click - you select all, second click - you deselect all...done


20.08.2021 06:54
It's not a matter of selecting then deselecting all. 

If I have a databank of 5000+ strategies, and I need to deselect a group of 100 or so, I need to deselect each of them manually. If I needed to select a group of 100 or so, I can easily "shift + click" the 100 strategies that are in unison. 

Does that make sense? 



20.08.2021 21:12
As a workaround, you could probably unselect all, select the 100, move the 100 to a temp bank and reselect all in the working bank.


21.08.2021 01:54
Yeah understand what you're saying Bentra - But still a bit of a painful work around against being able to deselect mass strategies within a range, alike how you can select mass strategies within a range. 

Again, this is more a nice to have and would have thought something that can be added with relative ease. Definitely low priority in comparison to other tasks.

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