SQX Walk Forward optimizer create strategies with different parameter name

My workflow with SQX include walk forward optimization for robustness testing
I recently tried custom setting of Optimization in WFO, hoping to avoid too many iteration for optimization
Only 3 categories were chosen for optimization. Symmetric variables parameter for long/short was intentionally disabled.

The strategy (WF Optimization - SW004-1 CL 15m_Strategy 9.1.131(4)) created after WFO produced parameters with different names of that appeared in the source code of strategy 
This makes reproducing the compound OOS result in my trading platform (TS and multicharts) with  walk forward historical results impossible as the source code incompatible with optimized parameters create
Instead of just showing the original source code, is it  possible to get the source code for strategy after the walk forward result? Otherwise it lack the meaning  of just getting the result without being able to test it on a trading platform. 
Included in the attachments  are the  SQX files before and after WFO. The config file for the "Optimize strategies" task and the export WFParameter file are also included.

02 WFO result with OOS Parameter name totally different from original code.png
(984.15 KiB)
01 Custom Setting of Optimizations.png
(115.78 KiB)
03 Original source code Parameter used different name.png
(192.04 KiB)
01 ConfigFile for Optimize strategies in Custom Project.cfx
(2.95 KiB)
WF Optimization - SW004-1 CL 15m_Strategy 911314.sqx
(119.17 KiB)
SW004-1 CL 15m_Strategy 911314.sqx
(81.95 KiB)
WFParamsExport WF Optimization - SW004-1 CL 15m_Strategy 911314.xlsx
(4.94 KiB)
  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




02.09.2021 03:10

Task created



02.09.2021 03:10
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Votes: +1

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