Improve existing strategy can not follow current setting

I used improve existing strategy function to improved previous strategy.The previous strategy stop loss value is 30 ,I will change previous strategy stop loss value to 50-500  (please look at my attachment 1) for new strategies, then used add or replace keep existing or generate randomly (please look at my attachment 2), but builder create new strategies stop loss value still =30,not changed  (please look at my attachment 3),

** If it not bug ,in "add or replace"mode  how to change stop loss value bigger than 30 in new strategies which after builder improving 
Thanks a lot

attarchment 1.jpg
(320.79 KiB)
attachment 2.jpg
(344.03 KiB)
attachment 3.jpg
(333.09 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




06.09.2021 19:30

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