Visual project WorkFlow : Print

In Visual project WorkFlow :

1/   Would it be possible to have a Print function to print the Project workflow ?

2/  Would it possible to have arrow or line to connect the task ?  Some task like goto task don't send to the next task. We may have multiple Goto task

3/ Would it be possible to have more task information on the Visual project flow ?  for example the condition of a goto task

4/ Would it be possible to add text or other object on the visual project workflow ?

5/  For the moment , we have all the tasks on a single column, this column can be very long,  would it possible to use the right part of the view ? 

6/ Would it possible to move the task ? 

Capture Print.jpg
(63.20 KiB)
  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




01.11.2021 11:43

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01.11.2021 11:43
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16.11.2021 00:56
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Votes: +2

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