Custom Project : Loading project only on demand not all of them each time

Quickly with  time we have more and more custom projects for different instruments, with different strategies and different variants and settings. 

If we start SQX and select Custom Project , SQX is loading a part of each project even if we don't go in each project each time.

Even if we delete all strategies before starting SQX, SQX is still using memory for each custom projects present in the path StrategyQuantX\user\projects

For example, you have 100 custom projects or more, and you are going in a single project , SQX will load each project anyway.

SQX is using about 8 Go for few custom projects and 50 Go for 180 custom projects, quickly we are above the limit of the workstation 

This is a big loss of memory efficiency. Settings are stored in memory for projects we are not using on the moment and are not necessary . This results in lost of time when we start and run SQX.

When we start SQX and select Custom Project ,  would it be possible load the project settings in memory only when we are entering in the selected project ? (not all the customs projects)

SQX would start faster, less than 60 seconds instead of 4 to 5 minutes or more each time.  
SQX would run more efficiently , using less memory. SQX user would need computer with less ram memory. 

The page Custom Project with a list of custom projects need only superficial information not the details of each projects  information anyway

(133.52 KiB)
  • Votes +8
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




26.03.2022 14:59

Task created



26.03.2022 14:59
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27.03.2022 23:26
Voted for this task.


29.03.2022 13:55

Description changed:

Quickly with  time we have more and more custom projects for different instruments, with different strategies and different variants and settings. 

If we start SQX and select Custom Project , SQX is loading a part of each project even if we don't go in each project each time.

Even if we delete all strategies before starting SQX, SQX is still using memory for each custom projects present in the path StrategyQuantX\user\projects

For example, you have 100 custom projects or more, and you are going in a single project , SQX will load each project anyway.

SQX is using about 8 Go for few custom projects and 50 Go for 180 custom projects, quickly we are above the limit of the workstation 

This is a big loss of memory efficiency. Settings are stored in memory for projects we are not using on the moment and are not necessary . This results in lost of time when we start and run SQX.

When we start SQX and select Custom Project ,  would it be possible load the project settings in memory only when we are entering in the selected project ? (not all the customs projects)

SQX would start faster, less than 60 seconds instead of 4 to 5 minutes or more each time.  

SQX would run more efficiently , using less memory. SQX user would need computer with less ram memory. 

The page Custom Project with a list of custom projects need only superficial information not the details of each projects  information anyway



29.03.2022 23:55
Voted for this task.


09.05.2022 03:38


14.05.2022 01:29
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15.05.2022 19:03
Also some convenience of leaving some strategies in the databanks of other idle workflows without using memory up.


16.05.2022 14:29
I agree with you Bentra, because of this , we can not leave any strategy in the custom project,

because each time we start to work with a Custom Project, SQX is load all the strategies from every Custom Projects even if we don't work with them on the moment


Chris G

29.09.2022 15:29
Voted for this task.


29.09.2022 15:38
Apparently, the amount of RAM used by large workflows even with no strategies at all can still use 100's of megs each. 


29.09.2022 16:06
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29.09.2022 18:51
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29.09.2022 19:26
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29.09.2022 21:07
yes Bentra, even empty workflow are taking RAM even if we do not use it.

It is quickly adding up as we are working with multiple instruments and and multiple Custom Projects



30.09.2022 23:08

Attachment Capture SQX start bug.jpg added

Capture SQX start bug.jpg
(21.08 KiB)
Furthermore SQX is taking much more time if we have Custom Projects even if we do not use it

As SQX is taking more time to load, then we are getting the error UI become unresponsive (here is what I have tonight again, and I am working with only  8 Custom Projects !)

This is why we can  run SQX only with few Custom Project for the moment

Votes: +8

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