Setting Slipage/Comisson/Spread in Backtest on additional markets, resets the others

Turning on/off swithches for Slipage/Comisson/Spread in Backtest on additional markets, resets the others (on switches)
Screenshot 2022-09-11 074353.png
(49.36 KiB)
  • Votes +4
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




11.09.2022 06:53

Task created



13.09.2022 20:31
Voted for this task.


14.10.2022 05:34
Hello, so something else stopped working once this was fixed.....

There used to be a function of flicking the spread switch brings in the default spread from the selected alternate market symbol. This was useful and now it's gone.

The problem before was that switching on SLIPPAGE would reset the SPREAD and switching on SPREAD would reset the SLIPPAGE. This is fixed but we didn't really want to lose the function I mentioned above of bringing in the default spread/slippage/commission/swap from the selected alternate market symbol (as long as it was actually the switch that we pressed)

Lee Guan Chuan

14.10.2022 06:24
Hello Bentra,

I just fixed that. 

Thank you.



23.10.2022 02:03

Hi thanks but the way it worked before was like this:
If we leave it off (grey) it would take on the main data setting.
If we switch it on it would take on the additional market symbol default and then... we could also customize it while it was on.
In this way we could quickly get to any state (off/grey to bring in the main data setting, on to bring in the default setting for the additional market)

It seemed like it was easier that way to get to any of the states and was more consistent with the "grey=main data settings" theme the rest of the configuration options seem to have.

The original complaint was just that switching the SLIPPAGE to on would reset the SPREAD (sometimes after we already customized spread which was a minor nuisance.)



23.10.2022 05:21
Hi Bentra,

I agree when we turn off switches, they one we switched off must be back to original value.

The issue was when I turn on spread, and change it from original value e.g. 3 to 4, then I turn on commission switch, then spread resets to 3 again.


Chris G

02.11.2022 14:01
Voted for this task.


02.11.2022 14:32
Voted for this task.


02.11.2022 17:00
Voted for this task.

Votes: +4

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