Code Editor makes a different error log between [B136 Dev4] and [B135].

Steps to reproduce:

1: Download the zip file from
2: Extract the zip file.
3: Open Code Editor
4: Click "Import/Export", "Import extensions"
5: Choose "SQExtension_MOAMA_EHT_03082022.sxp" in the view.

There are some differences in the log.
1: Ensure [B136 Dev4] is not worse than [B135]
2: Fix errors on [B136 Dev4]
3: (Optional) Fix errors in "SQExtension_MOAMA_EHT_03082022.sxp"

B136 Dev4 log:
11:14:45.050 [Thread-266] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:73607: Config for project undefined not found
11:14:45.050 [Thread-268] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:72424: Project config of project undefined not found
11:14:45.825 [Thread-517] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:139: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined Possibly unhandled rejection: {}

B135 log:
11:28:46.967 [Thread-595] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:139: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined Possibly unhandled rejection: {}
11:28:47.236 [Thread-933] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:139: TypeError: $scope.indicatorsChooser.init is not a function Possibly unhandled rejection: {}

(2.99 KiB)
(3.11 KiB)
  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




25.09.2022 04:55

Task created



25.09.2022 11:04

Description changed:

Steps to reproduce:

1: Download the zip file from
2: Extract the zip file.
3: Open Code Editor
4: Click "Import/Export", "Import extensions"
5: Choose "SQExtension_MOAMA_EHT_03082022.sxp" in the view.

There are some differences in the log.
1: Ensure [B136 Dev4] is not worse than [B135]
2: Fix errors on [B136 Dev4]
3: (Optional) Fix errors in "SQExtension_MOAMA_EHT_03082022.sxp"

B136 Dev4 log:
11:14:45.050 [Thread-266] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:73607: Config for project undefined not found
11:14:45.050 [Thread-268] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:72424: Project config of project undefined not found
11:14:45.825 [Thread-517] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:139: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined Possibly unhandled rejection: {}

B135 log:
11:28:46.967 [Thread-595] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:139: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined Possibly unhandled rejection: {}
11:28:47.236 [Thread-933] ERROR com.strategyquant.ce.MainWindow - JS ERROR: http://localhost:8080/common/Batch1/libs.js:139: TypeError: $scope.indicatorsChooser.init is not a function Possibly unhandled rejection: {}



07.10.2022 13:37
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