[Mac 136 Dev4] do not use high performance graphics on Mac, to reduce battery consumption

Macbook Pro has two graphics, one intel, and one AMD.
once we open SQX, it goes to AMD.
Please check if it is possible not to go to high performance graphics.
It's really matters when we are on battery.
  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




04.10.2022 05:52

Task created


Lee Guan Chuan

06.10.2022 04:00

Status changed from New to Refused

Hi Alex,

I have checked the packages that we bundled into our system. We couldn't switch the GPU to integrated (Intel).

I have found that Macbook users can switch GPUs by using this application. https://gfx.io/

Discrete GPU will be your AMD GPU. Integrated GPU will be your Intel GPU.

Thank you.



07.10.2022 13:37
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Votes: +1

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