trading day/time

Hello, have 3 suggestion/question?

1)Is it possible to add feature to StrategyQuant 3 to choose which trading day EA will trade on?For example, I need the option to create EA that will NOT trade Sunday,monday, and Friday as than from my experience all EA have much better result?

2)I think that bearish engulfing and bullish engulfing pattern have wrong direction on Strategyquant 3? When bearish engulfing happen=it always go long instead of short and vice-versa.

3)Please add possibilty to chose time when EA can run....I would need to run EA from EST 1am-6am and 8,30-11,30pm?Is it possible that to setup on strategyquant 3 or 4? 


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  • Votes 0
  • Project Extending SQ
  • Type Feature
  • Status Confirmed
  • Priority Normal




21.09.2018 14:07

Task created


Mark Fric

21.09.2018 14:07

Status changed from New to Confirmed

1. we'll add trading days to options

2. we'll check engulfing

3. this is already possible by using Limit Time Range in options. Trading options already fork in SQ4 Beta 5, we'll implement them also in MT4/5 in the next update.


Mark Fric

21.09.2018 14:07
we'll add Trading days for options as an example how to create custom options. It has to wait until we make CodeEditor fully functional.


21.09.2018 14:07
Would it be possible to create an engine that analyzes frequent losses at specific time intervals in order to ML when an algorithm should and should not trade? For example, instead of us choosing not to trade on monday, the engine can find commonalities in the losses at a specific time on monday so it still trades on monday but not at specific time intervals. The engine may determine that a certain strategy loses more often than not from 9am to 10am and would automatically filter that hour out of the results to improve performance while not ignoring the rest of the day. 

Mark Fric

21.09.2018 14:09
configuring days and time for trading can be implemented as are trading options.

as for the last suggestion, this is something else - it is analysis tool, with possibility to specify exactly when not to trade. It is possible, but it would be quite difficult, it would be a complicated setting.

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