Advanced creation of portfolios with several systems together

Hello, in your SQ software it is possible to create portfolios of diversified systems with low correlation using this method / model: Edgesense Research Framework (ERF) and markowitz model?
I know you have a correlation analyzer after creating them (quantanalyzer) but this analyzer does not know if it has this specific functionality !!! this model that I propose to develop them would be very useful to reduce the risk of the systems developed by creating them together, also would save a lot of time, for example MT5 has a similar system to use data from different assets together for optimizations and other
I hope you incorporate it shortly in addition to the hardware acceleration GPU in openCL !!!

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  • Votes +2
  • Project Extending SQ
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




23.04.2019 23:08

Task created



23.04.2019 23:10
Voted for this task.

George Daskaleas

25.11.2019 06:47
Voted for this task.

Votes: +2

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